MMH Early Childhood Training and Consulting enjoys opportunities to partner with early childhood program leaders to provide support in meeting goals that lead to quality programming and excellent educational services for young children and families. We collaborate with the program administrators to assess the programs unique needs and customize service to meet client’s objectives.
The goal is to provide support and resources that lead to sustainable quality improvements.

Services we offer include:
- Accreditation Support
- Classroom observations
- Coaching
- Professional Development
- CDA Support
- Program Policies and Procedures
Certified Reliable in the use of the Teaching Pyramid Infant-Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS) and Pre-K Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)
The TPITOS is assessment instrument designed to measure the fidelity of implementation of practices associated with the Pyramid Model in center-based Toddler care settings. The TPITOS tool provides a snapshot of the adult’s behaviors that support eat social and emotional development of Infants and Toddlers in the classroom setting.
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) is an observation tool that assesses the quality of teacher-child interactions in center-based classrooms. CLASS™ includes domains or categories of teacher-child interactions that support children’s learning and development. Within each domain are dimensions which capture more specific details about teachers’ interactions with children.

Training Programs
Zero to Three Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler Educators
45 HR (CURR)
The 45 hour Zero to Three Critical Competencies training can be taken as a 45 hours course or as mini-modules. The training:
- Support educators who work with children birth to 36-months.
- Focus on pedagogy – the method and practice of teaching.
- Detail essential and observational skill sets that effective early educators use tooptimize babies’ and toddlers’ social-emotional, cognitive, and language andliteracy development.
- Feature considerations for supporting high-needs populations and multi-languagelearners.The Mini Modules are available in 3 separate areas:
- Zero to Three Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler Educators: Supporting Social-Emotional Development 18 HR (CURR)
- Zero to Three Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler Educators: Supporting Cognitive Development 12 HR (CURR)
- Zero to Three Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler Educators: Supporting Language & Literacy Development 9 HR (CURR)
Zero to Three – The Growing Brain
The 21 hour Zero to Three Growing Brain training can be taken as a 7-class series or as 7 independent trainings. The trainings can be taken in any order.
- The Growing Brain- Factors Affecting Brain Growth and Development 3 HR (CD) – Inf/Tod/Preschool
Participants will understand the key factors that affect brain development and how to support health brain development overall. Participants will identify factors that affect brain growth and development; understand how stress can affect brain development; and learn strategies (the 5 R’s) for supporting healthy brain development. - The Growing Brain- Communication and Language Development 3HR (1.5 CD/1.5 CURR)
Participants will understand how communication and language skills develop in the first 5 years, the brain’s role in the development of these skills, and how to support them. Participants will learn about specific communication milestones and when they typically emerge and how this relates to brain development; learn strategies for supporting early communication skills; and gain an understanding of how Multilanguage learning occurs. - The Growing Brain- Cognition and Executive Function 3 HR (CD)
Participants will understand how young children develop cognitive and executive functions in relation to the developing brain. Participants will learn how cognitive development unfolds; ways to support cognitive development in young children; above executive functioning and its critical role in cognitive and overall development; and how to support the development of executive functions. - The Growing Brain- Social-Emotional Development 3 HR (CD)
Participants will gain an understanding of how social–emotional development unfolds in the first 5 years and how to support it in young children as well as the areas of the brain involved in social interactions and emotional reactions. Participants will also explore the role of relationships and attachment in social-emotional development; the effect of stress on social-emotional development; and the development of empathy in very young children. - The Growing Brain- Understanding Behavior 3 HR (CD)
Participants will learn about basic brain anatomy; connections between areas of the brain and how these connections are expressed through behavior; key factors that influence behavior; root causes of challenging behavior and effective strategies for helping children with these difficulties. - The Growing Brain- Everyday Play 3 HR (CD)
Participants will understand the stages and types of play that unfold in early childhood, the role of the brain in this process, and how to maximize children’s learning through play. Participants will learn about the development of play, the differences between free and guided play, and core skills children develop through play and how to promote these skfills.
Magic of Transitions
.5HR(CD), 2HR(Curr), .5HR(Special needs)
Do you find transition times stressful? No worries this workshop helps identify when transitions are occurring and how to intentionally plan for your transitions. Through hands on activities, engaging discussions, and role-playing scenarios, participants will lean strategies and techniques to support all children during transitions. Strategies will address group strategies as well as ways to support the unique needs of individual children in the transition process.
Conflict Resolution
When people of various culture, backgrounds, and values come together conflict is bound to happen. Conflict can be positive or negative. This workshop is packed with interactive activities to help us explore our own values, hot buttons, and comfort level with conflict. Understanding ourselves and learning of differences in perspectives and approaches will help us increase our conflict resolution tool bag. This workshop builds collaboration within team members, and provides self-reflection through role playing, reflection activities, and group scenarios.
Children and Trauma
2HR(Prof) option1 3HR(CD) option2
We look at what is trauma, how it affects the development of children, and ways educators can help support children of trauma in the classroom. This workshop looks at environmental supports such as calming centers, as well as teaching practices, such as mindfulness practices. The workshop is packet with practical strategies and activities that can be used the very next day in your own programs.
Basic Health & Safety and Breastfeeding Awareness
3 HR (HSN) – ALL – Fulfills MSDE/OCC requirement.
As of July 1, 2017, this workshop has been required as pre-service training for all childcare center staff, including directors, teachers, and aides, as well as home day care providers. Learn about basic safety and health guidelines for both indoor and outdoor areas. Updated Fall 2020 to include Breastfeeding Support Awareness.
Pyramid Model for Infants and Toddlers – (SEFEL)
Pyramid Model training is designed to support young children’s social and emotional development through a culturally sensitive approach that is responsive to the unique needs of programs, families, professionals, and communities. These training focuses on promoting children’s social emotional competence, preventing challenging behaviors and strategies for addressing challenging behaviors. This training will prepare early education professional caring for infants and toddlers in the social emotional domain be embedding practices into already established schedules and routines.
- Pyramid Module for Preschool Classrooms Mod 1 6 HR (CD) Building Relationships & Creating Supportive Environments
- Pyramid Module for Preschool Classrooms Mod 2 6 HR (CD) Social Emotional Assessment & Targeted Social Emotional Strategies
- Pyramid Module for Preschool Classrooms Mod 3 6 HR (CD) Intensive Interventions
Developmentally Appropriate Practice Overview
3 HR (Curr) – ALL
Participants will be introduced to developmentally appropriate practices, the three key areas of considerations, the Nine Principles of Child Development and Learning, and the Six Guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Action. Participants will explore how DAP provides the framework for quality program that supports the development and learning that meets the unique needs of ALL children.
Pyramid Model for Preschool Children – (SEFEL)
The Pyramid Model promotes healthy social-emotional development for children birth through age 5 years. These training provides teachers with illustrations and tools for implementing practices for promoting children’s social emotional competence and early literacy skills. The Pyramid Model framework promotes strategies to help teaching staff build positive relationships with and among children by creating supportive learning environments, teaching children to understand and express their emotions, and use problem solving skills. In addition, these trainings will guide teachers in providing targeted and individualized interventions to children with more intensive support needs.
- Pyramid Module for Preschool Classrooms Mod 1 6 HR (CD) Building Relationships & Creating Supportive Environments
- Pyramid Module for Preschool Classrooms Mod 2 6 HR (CD) Social Emotional Assessment & Targeted Social Emotional Strategies
- Pyramid Module for Preschool Classrooms Mod 3 6 HR (CD) Intensive Interventions
Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years
Completion of Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions Orientation is a pre-requisite for this series.
- Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions Orientation 2 HR(CD), 1 HR. PROF
This presentation is based on the WIDA Essential Actions. The intent is to provide early educators with information they can use to support all children, particularly multilingual learners, their families, and their programs. This training is designed to encourage educators to implement equitable access to multilingual children to maximize their learning and development in both their home language and English language development. The orientation is required before providers take the additional trainings in the WIDA Early Years: Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners Essential Actions series, and it provides the foundational knowledge about WIDA Early Years, asset- based approaches to instruction, and the WIDA Early Years Guiding Principles. - Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 1 & 14 1 HR(CD), 1 HR (PROF)
This presentation is based on WIDA Essential Actions 1 and 14. The intent is to provide early educators with information they can use to support all children, particularly multilingual learners, their families, and their programs. Essential Action 1 supports collaboration to ensure that all adults interacting with multilingual learners support multilingual development. Essential Action 14 provides for multiple and meaningful opportunities for multilingual learners to use their languages. - Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 2 & 13 1 HR(CD), 1 HR (PROF)
This presentation is based on WIDA Essential Actions 2 and 13. The intent is to provide early educators with information they can use to support all children, particularly multilingual learners, their families, and their programs. Essential Action 2 supports the gathering of information about dual language learners’ cultures and the languages heard and used in the past and present in order to support dual language development. Essential Action 13 promote the use of language supports to help scaffold language development and learning. - Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 3 & 4 1 HR(CD), 1 HR(PROF)
This presentation is based on WIDA Essential Actions 3 and 4. The intent is to provide early educators with information they can use to support all children, particularly multilingual learners, their families, and their programs. Participants will understand how to recognize and use the strengths, resources and experiences of multilingual learners and their families to support and enhance language development & learning. - Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 5 & 9 2 HR(CD)
This presentation is based on WIDA Essential Actions 5 and 9. The intent is to provide early educators with information they can use to support all children, particularly multilingual learners, their families, and their programs. Essential Action 5 supports ways to apply information gathered about dual language learners, including their cultures, how they use language, their language development, strengths, and resources. Essential Action 9 supports designing language learning experiences with consideration for the sociocultural context. - Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 6 & 8 2 HR (CD)
This presentation is based on WIDA Essential Actions 6 and 8. Essential Action 6 intends to provide early educators with information they can use to support all children, particularly multilingual learners and their families, in their classrooms. Essential Action 6 supports how children develop and use the English language as well as how they continue to learn, use and value their own heritage languages. Essential Action 8 encourages Early educators to consider a variety of techniques to support multilingual learners and develop and create ways to design developmentally appropriate classroom environments which foster children’s learning during routines, social interactions, and other classroom experiences. - Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 7 & 12 1 HR(COMM), 1 HR(PROF)
This presentation is based on WIDA Essential Actions 7 and 12. The intent is to provide early educators with information they can use to support all children, particularly multilingual learners, their families, and their programs. Essential Action 7 supports the connection of language standards with early learning standards and guidelines to make curriculum accessible and meaningful for multilingual learners. Essential Action 12 supports the planning for language teaching and learning within specific areas of development and learning. - Supporting Maryland’s Multilingual Learners: WIDA Early Years Essential Actions 10 & 11 1 HR (CUR), 1 HR(CD)
This presentation is based on WIDA Essential Actions 10 and 11. The intent is to provide early educators with information they can use to support all children, particularly multilingual learners, their families, and their programs. Essential Action 10 provides opportunities for multilingual learners to engage in higher level thinking. Essential Action 11 provides opportunities to identify the purposes of language used during routines and learning experiences.
I was able to apply what I learned as a coaching tool. I utilized the skill statements as feedback to my staff. It made the connection for them as to what they are doing and how it is so valuable to a child’s development. We also were able to develop strategies for expanding and scaffolding their lesson plans to challenge children to meet their next milestone.
Heather Hudson, Child Development Coordinator, Caroline County Early Head Start, Zero to Three Critical Competencies for Infant- Toddler Educators